The crowd’s favourites: Christ Church’s 2024’s Midweek Music - Summer Programme

If there is something more subjective than trying to gauge a crowd’s appreciation of a concert by the applause they incite, it’s to then filter that already subjective measurement through the filter of one’s own subjective appreciation— and that’s exactly what I’m doing today: These are, in no particular order, the three Christ Church’s Midweek Concerts of the 2024 Summer Programme that I think were the crowd’s favourites based of the applause they received.

  1. Barry Lo and Li Chichi

    It’s hard to describe the connection the crowd displayed to Barry Lo’s french horn performance. Was it the novelty listening to the horn in a protagonist’s role, or the Mr. Lo’s endearing personality? It’s hard to say, but the reality is that this is one of the three concerts that received a standing ovation.
  2. Elena Orsi & Juanjo Blázquez

    These piano/violin duo did not just only receive a standing ovation, but also brought left several audience members moved to tears. I did miss one concert of the summer programme, but I don’t recall any other having brought upon the audience a similar reaction. While talking to Mr. Blázquez and Ms. Orsi after the presentation, heard several attendees also echo the sentiment of this being a concert that was one step above other presentations they had witnessed through the years.
  3. Chiara Lordi

    Ms. Lordi has a lot of personality, and while most musicians show theirs through the introductions they give to each piece, Ms. Lordi has managed to also showcase her style through her playing, which I believe might have captured the fascination —and applause— of the audience.

So there it is: these were, to the best of my recollection, the artists that made Christ Church applaud the loudest. Next week I’ll list my own favourites, which don’t fully align with the crowd’s; we all have our own susceptibilities and preferred instruments, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t find your last season’s favourite amongst the abovementioned concerts, but surely the odds are high that at least one of these is one you remember dearly, as this were clearly all crowd-pleasers.